Succulent Dishes and Sumptuous Memories: Experience the Flying Tomato Bar and Grill

by | Dec 7, 2023

Hello, Pierce County food enthusiasts! I’m Lisa Racca, your local real estate agent and a passionate advocate for exploring the delightful culinary landscapes of our community. Today, I’m excited to share with you the remarkable story of a local gem – The Flying Tomato Bar and Grill. This isn’t just a tale of delicious food; it’s a narrative woven with family heritage, international culinary influences, and heartfelt passion for cooking.

A Culinary Legacy Rooted in Passion

The story of the Flying Tomato Bar and Grill is not just about food; it’s about a rich family history woven with culinary passion. The Walker family’s love for food is more than a hobby; it’s a legacy. This passion for gastronomy has its roots in diverse cultural experiences, starting from Italy, the food capital of the world, and spanning across Turkey, Germany, and Greece. These international flavors have profoundly influenced the Walker family’s cooking style, particularly the patriarch, who honed his skills in these culinary hotspots.

From Humble Beginnings to Culinary Excellence

The journey of the Walker family in the food industry began with the patriarch working as a busser at the Original Pancake House during his teenage years. This humble start was crucial in shaping his future in the culinary world. His experiences working for Black Angus and Cucina Cucina were stepping stones that led him to venture out on his own, eventually taking over Mama Stortini’s in University Place. After relocating to Puyallup valley, the establishment flourished, showcasing his exceptional skills in both cooking and business management.

The Birth of the Flying Tomato

Life is full of twists and turns, and the journey of the Walker family is no exception. After leaving Mama Stortini’s, with the support of his family, faith, and immense knowledge of the restaurant business, the patriarch embarked on a new adventure. This led to the creation of The Flying Tomato Bar and Grill, a place where every dish reflects a story of resilience, hard work, and passion. The restaurant is not just a business; it’s a manifestation of a dream, a place where customers can taste the love and dedication in every bite.

Recognition and Gratitude

The Flying Tomato’s commitment to excellence did not go unnoticed. Winning three awards from King 5’s “Best of Western Washington” in consecutive years is a testament to the quality and love put into every dish. These accolades were not just personal victories but were shared with the entire team, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that defines the restaurant. The owner’s statement that walking into the Flying Tomato is like walking into his heart and soul resonates with every guest who experiences the warmth and culinary delight offered here.

A Dining Experience Like No Other

At the Flying Tomato Bar and Grill, every meal is a journey through the life story of the Walker family. From the lasagna that carries the essence of Italy to the BBQ chicken pizza that’s a slice of American culinary innovation, each dish is a chapter in a book of flavorful memories. As a real estate agent in Pierce County, I’ve seen many restaurants come and go, but the Flying Tomato stands out as a beacon of culinary excellence and heartfelt hospitality.

In conclusion, the Flying Tomato Bar and Grill is not just a restaurant; it’s a destination where food, family, and memories intertwine to create an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you’re a local or just passing through Pierce County, make sure to stop by and taste the legacy of the Walker family – where every dish tells a story.


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