
What’s Happening Over Labor Day Weekend in Pierce County?

What’s Happening Over Labor Day Weekend in Pierce County?

Hey there, Pierce County pals! Can you believe summer's wrapping up already? But hold onto your sun hats because Labor Day weekend is here to inject some excitement before fall settles in. And guess what? We've got a lineup of events that'll leave you grinning from...

Evictions and Legal Proceedings

Evictions and Legal Proceedings

Life as a landlord or property owner is full of ups and downs. One unfortunate reality is that there will be instances where eviction becomes a necessary step. Such legal proceedings can be stressful and time-consuming if not properly managed. This chapter will...

Tenant Relations and Communication

Tenant Relations and Communication

Building Positive Relationships with Tenants In property management, the heart and soul of the business lie in building positive, long-lasting relationships with tenants. It's not merely about collecting rent; it's about creating a community where tenants feel valued,...

Rent Collection and Financial Management

Rent Collection and Financial Management

Rent collection and financial management are crucial elements of property management. They not only ensure steady cash flow but also promote transparency and accountability. At Parkside Realty, we take these aspects very seriously. We believe in enhancing...

Repairs and Maintenance

Repairs and Maintenance

The Importance of Timely and Efficient Maintenance Owning rental property is a significant responsibility, and maintaining the property is a crucial aspect of this obligation. At Parkside Realty, we understand the value of proactive and responsive repairs and...

Lease Agreements and Legal Compliance

Lease Agreements and Legal Compliance

Understanding the Fundamental Components of a Thorough Lease Agreement Lease agreements are the bedrock of the tenant-landlord relationship. A comprehensive lease agreement outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, eliminating ambiguities and...

Setting the Right Rental Price

Setting the Right Rental Price

Conducting Market Research and Analysis Setting the right rental price for a property is a science that demands thorough market research and analysis. The starting point is to understand the dynamics of the local property market. At Parkside Realty, we pride ourselves...

Tenant Screening and Selection

Tenant Screening and Selection

A. Importance of Thorough Tenant Screening Tenant screening is a pivotal aspect of property management. A landlord's goal is to secure responsible, reliable, and respectful individuals who will uphold the value of their property and comply with lease terms....

Advertising and Marketing Your Rental Property

Advertising and Marketing Your Rental Property

Strategies for Effective Property Advertising When it comes to renting out your property, effective advertising plays a crucial role in attracting the right tenants. In this chapter, we will explore strategies that can help you maximize the visibility and appeal of...